Thursday, April 26, 2007

The "Go To" Song

You know how when you turn on your iPod or get in your car, you have that moment of choice where you think "What will I listen to first?" I know that I often choose the same song (especially when playing through iTunes on the laptop). Hence the "go to" song.

Right now my "go to" song is Rockwell's "Somebody's Watching Me". Yes, it's totally true and not in a hipster, ironic way. No, I think this song is so hot I can't get enough of it. Refresh yourself and get back to me.

I couldn't find a picture of Rockwell, so I posted one of Sam Rockwell instead. Close enough, and equally kickass. I mean, have you seen him dance?

Made My Week

The best news of the week (not the new episode of Heroes although that was awesome) is that Fletch is finally being re-released on DVD.

Here's how much I love Fletch:
1. I named my cat Fletch
2. I made my friend Rich watch the rollerskating scene no less than 15 times in one night. And it was still funny.
3. I still have my VHS copy of Fletch. Mind you, I have not had a VCR for three years. Can't get rid of it.

Then this week I noticed that Fletch had mysteriously moved from the Saved section of my Netflix queue to the list. Holy frak. Now I've ordered my very own copy, along with the DVD of Robocop, which will make a kickass if incongruous double-feature at the homestead next weekend. I am so excited it's embarassing.

Monday, April 23, 2007

How I End Up Watching Some Really Weird Shit

The other day I watched the last hour of The Fast and the Furious 3: Tokyo Drift. I remember giggling in the theater when I saw that trailer more than a year ago and I just sat and watched it for a full hour.

How does this happen? I'll tell you: It's called HDTV. If a movie is on on an HD channel I'm probably 4 times as likely to watch it. So if, like, Croupier (a good movie I always mean to watch) is on versus a movie I never actually meant to see... I really have to think about it. HDTV on a disgustingly, embarassingly huge television like ours is like a whole new addiction that I haven't yet learned how to control.


I don't care if you're a sci fi geek or not. This is totally. freakin'. awesome. Yes, that is a hot air balloon. Funny stuff.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Kinda Makes Me Wanna Watch Fear Factor

So I had heard a little bit about this whole feud going down between Joe Rogan and Carlos Mencia a while back. Supposedly Mencia, who I have always found to be tired and boring, is a bit of a joke stealer. Joe Rogan, fellow comedian and erstwhile Fear Factor host, is unwilling to let the stealing go by unnoticed.

Then one day I looked at this clip on You Tube. Man, that Mencia is even more completely jackassed that I originally guessed. Then I spent about and hour and a half reading Joe Rogan's blog and watching clips on it. Click here and scroll down to February 13th and start there. Very interesting and funny stuff. Makes me even more glad I've never wasted a minute of my life watching Mencia's show. Or should we be calling him Ned Holness?

Thursday, April 19, 2007

If You Ain't Seen It Yet, You're Missing Out

Step 1: Remember how insanely funny Shaun of the Dead was.
Step 2: Watch this trailer.
Step 3: Guess what I'll be doing this weekend.

A Belated Easter Greeting

Pope Johnny 5 blesses you.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

CSPAN Is On More In Our House Than Maybe Even Ninja Warrior

I was just watching Oregon's Senator on CSPAN addressing the Treasury Secretary (played today by a very tense Henry Paulson, to be inevitably dramatized by Terry O'Quinn) in a Finance Commitee Hearing. Woah, Ron Wyden is pissed off about tax code. Sure doesn't look like the Republicans want to take him seriously, though.

I adore Ron Wyden. He's worth checking out here

The OC Lament

I managed to catch this little show when it was stuffed into the end of a summer season. I sort of just kept up for the middle of it, which I guess is the meat of the show when you think about it, but I really plugged in last season after we got it all hooked up with the DVR. And suddenly it was the most insanely guilty watching-it-when-the-boyfriend's-working pleasure I could think of. The show was even awesome and not resorting to campiness to achieve said awesomeness. Awesome as in say, maybe, Ugly Betty awesome.

And they cancelled it. Those frickin' idiots.

But blessings be upon those quackers at Soap Net because now it is syndicating every weeknight. The best little icing on this for me is the only reason I found out it was repeating was from Ira Glass telling the story of how he and his wife sing the opening theme together every week. I have just outed myself as and NPR nerd and so be it.

Super Secret Girl Crush

I will admit I only checked out Lily Allen because I was loving her snark British celebrity escapades on Perez, and I think she is wicked hot. Really. I have no girl on girl aspirations IRL (as the kids say) but she is too cute.

Owing much to my iTunes addiction (more on that eventually) I listened to her album and it is so frothy and delicious. It made me so happy I think I gained five pounds. Truthfully, it's the album I think Gwen Stefani was trying to make but didn't. I love me some Gwen, but I think her hot chickiness might be the thing I like more than her music. But Lily is different.

Now she's gone and cancelled a major portion of her "breakout" US tour, blaming exhaustion and possible descent into raging alcohol consumption. I say good for her. I think it would be a bitch to do that for over a year. I bet she needs some serious napping in the afternoon. It makes me love her a little more that she didn't worry about being some big US crossover (Ahem, Beckhams). Plus, she dares me to ask the question: How would I look as a pimped out bride??

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Shia LaBeouf Is Suddenly The Shit

Not that I didn't know this when I was watching Even Stevens to check him out. Okay, not in a gross pervert way because he was just a sweet, innocent thing then. But really, he was great. Then, he was even better in Holes, which could have been okay without him but was frickin awesome with him.

So anyway, I just saw him in Disturbia. Movie was so-so, kind of standard but enjoyable for my movie dollar. (And, BTW, I felt like a dirty mama watching little Shia all grown up and kissing with a lot of tongue!) Now we're all well aware that Shia is in the next Indy movie which just switched it over into the Movies I Want To See column. Thanks for bein' you, Shia.