Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Benefits Of My Job

Today I rocked out some samples in a quick manner for my work homie Tyler and he rewarded me with a link to this video. Who says there are no perks in management??

Monday, February 25, 2008

The McCain-Feingold Singles Guide to Portland

It's nice to be preparing for an election where I am not holding my breath in abject terror at any candidate's possible election. I've got yeas and nays for them all but whatev. I do appreciate McCain's willingness to act a ninny on the Conan show even as he is the presumptive Republican nominee. Congrats on showing some humor. This coupled with Huckabee's SNL appearance (amusing and self-depricating). Those Republicans have themselves some good campaign managers right now.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A Post For My Husband On Valentine's Day

Thanks to Quizlaw (my favorite law blog?) for this romantic video sure to warm Chris' heart on Contrived Romance Day.

Dirty Delicious

We just watched the Grindhouse double feature so maybe it was just really good timing. Maybe it is because far and away "Flashing Lights" is my favorite Kanye song from Graduation. But I really like this video no matter what that might reveal about me.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

He's A Member Of The Gangsta Party

2 dope minutes of Snoop waxing political.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

But Seriously, Pilates Is Effing Hard!

Come on baby, don't you care about your abs? Geez!

Isn't There a Mixed White-Black Guy?

So we don't know yet how this Superduper Tuesday is all gonna end. But I did just watch a grating speech by Mike Huckabee who is promising to protect the second amendment and abolish the IRS?? I'm having trouble following his insane thought process. When I decided I couldn't manage this politics shit any longer today, I found this gem on the internets. Thank the lord for porn stars. I never would have guessed they would make me feel less venomous about politics. Love the tits, girls!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Ready for Super Tuesday?

Geez, I have been one weepy bitch lately. Seriously, I think I have cried about six times in the last two days. Why? There doesn't really seem to be an answer. I'm certainly not feeling sad in any way. Stuff I'm seeing, it's just getting to me.

Like this video. Okay, John Edwards was and is my boy. Now that he's stepped aside, I've had to do some thinking. Because no matter how you slice it something's gotta change in our big picture. I know I can't do that. I can really only look out for me and mine in the close vicinity and hope that good things are going to come out of humanity's collective conciousness. I'm not even trying to break this down into a real politics thing. The more I see, the more I am convinced that party politics is straight bullshit. My co-worker (partner in digital crime) is a total Republican. We took these questionnaires online as to which politician skews closest to our beliefs and his was Mitt Romney. Fucking Mitt Romney?!? I thought he was the antichrist. Then I think that Jim and I agree on a whole lot of stuff and have major similarities in our life philosophies. So what does it mean that he lines up with Mitt Romney and I line up with Mike Gravel (shocking, yes, but apparently true according to glassbooth.org)? It means exactly dick. We are both just taxpaying citizens and Americans and humans, at that.

I already knew Barack had my vote. I heard about this will.i.am video and you could hear my skull-cracking eye roll from a block away. What a bunch of celebrity horseshit. So tonight something linked me to it and I thought, well, why not. It's still a few minutes until Smokin' Aces starts on HBO.

And then I cried like I was my mom or something. (Love ya Mom, but you are a bit of a crier) I could still do without the Scarlett Johansson and Kate Walsh bobble-heads but I found this whole thing to be very moving. That voice asking us to believe that good things are possible still if we demand them. I still don't put all my hope into the idea that this one man is going to be the Kennedy for our generation, because we all know Kennedy was just a myth, and mostly just human like us. And yet, my cynic has gone to bed early tonight folks. You might want to pack yours away before you watch this.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

A Hilarious Spongebob That Never Gets Old

I think in my heart of hearts, I really only like CNN for Don Lemon. He's so harmless and mildly intelligent and warmly charming. But I still love it when Jon Stewart takes CNN to task for generally being a douche of a news network.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Funny Way To Make Your Cats Hate You

Yet another example of why cats + Japanese TV = Happy Friday!