Thursday, April 26, 2007

The "Go To" Song

You know how when you turn on your iPod or get in your car, you have that moment of choice where you think "What will I listen to first?" I know that I often choose the same song (especially when playing through iTunes on the laptop). Hence the "go to" song.

Right now my "go to" song is Rockwell's "Somebody's Watching Me". Yes, it's totally true and not in a hipster, ironic way. No, I think this song is so hot I can't get enough of it. Refresh yourself and get back to me.

I couldn't find a picture of Rockwell, so I posted one of Sam Rockwell instead. Close enough, and equally kickass. I mean, have you seen him dance?


Unknown said...

Hmmm...this is a tough one. I'm not an IPOD person yet, but I have my Sirius radio in the car so I can flip around and see what's on. I have to say the song I find myself flipping to the most often, no matter what other cool stuff I might currently be listening to, is Daughtry's "It's Not Over". It's total cheese, but I am drawn to it every time. The other one I keep finding myself strangely drawn to is the new Timbaland w/ Nelly Furtado & Justin Timberlake. not a fan of hip hop, Timbaland or Nelly Furtado, but this song does it for me.
I know neither one is as good as "Somebody's Watching Me", but you are way cooler than me :-)

Unknown said...

I believe my two go to songs right now are Lazy Eye by Silversun Pickups and Rebellion (Lies) by Arcade Fire.