Monday, July 2, 2007

Now You Be A Good Frog And I'll Be A Good Person

The other night Chris turned on a movie on HBO that I would never watch on my own called "Drakmar: A Vassal's Journey." I was like, why did they make a movie about this kid's life? He's like a dozen geeks I used to know in school. It's about this 14-year-old kid named Colin who's kind of a social outcast who loves role-playing games and is heavily involved in this medieval ages group with his own master knight. Woah. We're not really ones to judge being that Chris is a D and D kid going way back and still even today.

But then the movie started to change a bit and opened up like a flower to show all these other things inside. And I realized that it's perfect to make a movie about this kid because he is so universal and his emotions tap into this deeper place where we put all the things that made us uncomfortable or unhappy about being a kid.

So if you get a chance, check it out. And super duper awesome bonus of amazing Greg Laswell song over end credits that completely has me obsessed. You're linked here to a trailer for all the movies from the same people who brought you Drakmar with a few moments from it at the end. I thought it was kind of fun and random all on its own.

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