Monday, March 10, 2008

It Didn't Have A Number On It, Did It?

So it's hard to know who's still watching, but let those of us who never wavered in our faith to Lost be grateful for the amazing season we are in the middle of. Maybe it's because I appreciate a show that doesn't have to spell everything out for me explicitly (and yes, Heroes, I am talking to you). When people bitch that Lost never "gives any answers" I just want to scream, Yes! That's exactly the show you are watching! That's why it's fucking awesome!! I actually fear the answers. I don't want them. I want strangeness and terror and Hurley and Sawyer playing horseshoes. I want Desmond to be the next Doctor Who only it's not TV it's real and one day I can hear the TARDIS outside and oh... well, that's just a little moment for me.

So you either watch or don't. Haters to the left, as they say. Make sure you put forth the tiny extra clicking effort of watching the "Missing Pieces" which are funny and scary and just as good as anything they've actually aired. And while you're at it here's the essential Orchid orientation video that gives me the major jeebs.

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