Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sunday Bits

Cleaning out my old text messages from my phone this morning. Some of my favorites:

Received 6/6/08 5:42 pm:
"What movie was that where she was talking about the babies staring at her?? Anyway I want a baby so bad i feel like they are all staring at me!"

*Side note: After she sent me this, I started noticing the same thing. Babies stare at me. I am not the only one who has noticed. I mean, do women in their 30s give off some kind of maternal pheromone? It is a little freaky.

Received 6/8/08 8:43 am:
(My sister has been getting an increasingly ridiculous series of letters from the DMV)
"Oh this one is great! I need to prove future financial responsibility by getting insurance for the next three years even if I don't have a car. Way to prove future financial responsibility by STEALING MY MONEY!"

Received 7/1/08 9:49 am:
"I know and not to be a bitch but what does that have to do with me tonight?" (followed by smiley face emoticon)

Received 7/4/08 10:07 am:
(following my question about whether the sushi place would be open on the holiday)
"sure theyre japanese"

Received 7/6/08 9:34 am:
(My cousin is working for a band currently touring in Europe)
(The ellipses are all hers)
"I have had 2 hours sleep in 36 hours....unreal."

9:41 am:
"I sat on the beach for a few hours yesterday....but the schedule is tough. My stage manager had another seizure at 630 this morning....he had one last tour in California....I had to go in the ambulance to the Turkish hospital....we ran over a cat on the was all very upsetting...."
I told her she could kick Sedaris' ass if she wrote a book about it.

And a bit of advice on this Sabbath:

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