Thursday, June 28, 2007

Binary Solo

I am so so so tired but I just wanna stay up and watch Bret and Jemaine rock the stage. They are my super secret comedy folk rock husbands.

OMG Shia Again

Every time I have a tingly thought about Shia I feel like a child molester. Did you know he's like the same age as the Olsen twins? Feel old yet?

I loved this clip of Shia on Leno the other night. Cracking up Terry Bradshaw, swilling from the flask, them slick slacks. Give him a few minutes of your time. Shia is wicked undeniable.

Live Free Or Die Hard Or Maybe Let's Just Order Takeout Or Something You Decide

Die Hard is my Christmas movie. I have seen all three dozens and dozens of times. I'm a little stoked about the new one but honestly it might be more because of Justin Long who I have loved since Ed. Oh, Ed. So now there is a very enjoyable video by some band called Guyz Nite (song infinitely more fun than band name). Bonus! Since the video is just clips of the four movies, now I'm all set and don't have to see 2 or 3 again for awhile. (Hey, I just figured out how to imbed a video!)

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A Did Not, However, Watch Can't Buy Me Love

This weekend I was lazy and half asleep late Saturday afternoon and I ended up watching his movie. Damn Seth Green! He renders me powerless!! But how about a little Nerf or Nothing?

She Lives!

It's a good thing those guys over at Scrubs figured out a way to keep Aloma Wright employed even though they killed off her character, Nurse Roberts, because girlfriend sounded a tad bitter about it on the podcast. She seems like a lady you don't wanna piss off. But seriously, did Laverne's twin sister have to be named Shirley? Except that might have the makings of a nice Leslie Neilsen cameo. A girl can dream.

Hollywood Ebola

Hooray for my favorite celeb rag US Weekly for taking a break from all the Paris Hilton coverage, cause that skank is like a virus that cannot be killed. Last night my recording of The Soup was interruped with LIVE NEWS BREAKS talking about her jail release. Holy fucking stroke. I think I just had a minor rage blackout. Not that I can't watch Joel McHale another time but really, WTF?
Here's the rest of this funny comic.

A Surreal "What If?"

Oh, this photo is just the tip of the iceberg here. People on this website go crazy with their Photoshop skillz and have put a lot of modern celebrities into ole timey photos. If you wander around the site a bit you can find some really fun and wild stuff. Or just kill some time.

Okay So Now That That's Finally Over

Okay, confession time. I am totally uninterested in The Sopranos. I know, it's one of those things so many people find to be genius that by not "getting it", I may be setting myself up for some scorn. It's not that I was offended by it so much as just plain bored.

Nonetheless, I enjoy the whole experince of a series finale. I liked the way The Sopranos ended, but then again I'm one of those folks who is perfectly satisfied with the little bits of info that are reluctantly given on Lost. A little seems to go a long way. I do love how people have gotten so fired up about The Sopranos finale and inspired to do some of their own takes on it. Part One: Max Silvestri has put together an alternate ending video that sent me to the next level of hysteria at about 00:27 on the clock. Very enjoyable. Part Two: A Harry Potter Sopranos Ending. It's only moderate witty and a little long but I'm so psyched about all the Potter coming up that I loved the tie in.

The Other George Michael

I am a huge personal fan of the cardigan. It's an awesome sweater and I have owned dozens over the years. I'll bet I have at least 10 in my closet right now. I don't so much love the man cardigan as much as I always look for a viable excuse to post a picture of Michael Cera (and this is an appropriately random one, eh?). Fuck, I miss Arrested Development. So here's a funny man cardigan gallery and here's that great "outtake" from Knocked Up of Cera going all David O. Russell.

God, The Accidental Tourist Was Boring

But really, I just can't hold that against William Hurt. I get so used to seeing him play it understated and then he does a movie that's so mind-boggling that I can hardly breathe. I don't know how he did it, but I think he may have stolen A History of Violence from Viggo. How does that happen?!? Okay, so I hear he's gonna be in the new Hulk movie and I actually had a little moment of excitement for that movie. I am wrong here?

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Lessons Learned At The Junior Rose Festival Parade

Don't Drive High and Don't Drive Old

The Perils Of iTunes

Chris tells me he heard this band on iTunes. My expectations are so-so at best. However, I must frequently give props to the man for figuring out something I'd like. Besides, it was recommended BY THE COMPUTER. How can one resist?

And as often happens on iTunes I get to sample all the goodies before I buy. How much do you love this, by the way? I know it seems like I am a moderate technotard here, but I'm still remembering trips to the mall Sam Goody for cassingles, ya know? So this band is called Rogue Wave and I pluck around a little and end up buying their most recent album.

Then I wear a digital groove in the motherfucker. No joke. One feature of iTunes that shames me is Play Count. Okay, after I update the pod and now it's telling me I've listened to Manna more than 25 times? Since I bought it last week?? I mean, I know that repetition and predictability soothe me but this is frickin' ridiculous. And the sort of crazy thing? It's not even totally knock-your-socks-off. They sound a bit like The Shins I guess but with their own thing going on. But OK Computer, this ain't. But now I might be underselling it. Ugh.

So maybe that says something about me. I am a pretty laid-back indie low-key music lover (but even that doesn't really cover it, but I'm sure that's just the same for you too). This fits my natural groove and now I've bought all the stuff they've got available. And so while it may not be the thing that will ring everybody's bells, it is so a part of my psyche right now that I am urging you to think about it next time you're staring at the iTunes window and thinking about how there isn't anything new to listen to. Please. I swear there might even be a song you recognize. Or one you end up listening to on an endless loop. That too.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Say Hi To Your Mom For Me

Funny Biff timeline, huh? Ah, the conundrum of time travel. Anyway, something even funnier than this image (much funnier) is Tom Wilson, ol' Biff himself, singing a little ditty over at Funny or Die. Now, make like a tree and get out of here.

I Love Funny T-Shirts

I look at hundreds of shirts online just because I can't resist a great t-shirt, but this one is transcending to a new level of genius. There are a lot of good ones on this site so I highly recommend you spend at least a couple minutes here. My second favorite shirt? A peek into my juvenile mind:


Thom Yorke may be one weird guy, but I love love love Radiohead and Thom's solo album The Eraser was smoking hot. Check out this great song that has Lupe Fiasco, Pharrell and Kanye West sampling from The Eraser. I don't even like hip hop but this is a nice freakin' song.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Sandy Cohen's Gotta Be Pissed

WTF? Do you remember when Seth Cohen had his "drug problem" on The O.C. and it was really that he just smoked a few joints. Okay, he did burn down an office building when he left his joint burning on the edge of a table and then forgot about it and walked away BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT STONERS DO.

Woah, Seth is looking way more fucked up these days. A word from Lainey: "But there is a certain point when it has to stop. Everyone has a line. Your line might be way further out than my line. I’m a shallow petty bitch, my line is probably much too close for to be kind. But I draw the line at this moustache. I draw the line at this relic of 70s nasty ass porn stretched across his clammy face. I draw the line at deliberately looking pervy. And I especially draw the line at looking pervy for what looks like an Eastern Europe Mail Order flavour of the moment."

I can just picture those patented Sandy Cohen eyebrows contorting in consternation. Not just about the drugs but really about the trauma-inducing attempt at facial hair. C'est la vie, Brody. We'll always have reruns.

Code Name: Agent Orange

Look, I'm sure you've all seen this by now. It's totally fucking obscene and makes me realize that I have a better than fighting chance at being a good mom if I just avoid being even remotely like this crazy bitch. The kids over at BWE have hooked us up with a little commentary so I send you safely into their loving arms. And for all the fair-skinned ladies like me out there, I say rock the pale like you mean it!