Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I was waiting around for last week's Lost episode to rerun (I can't resist the pop-up-video effect of it). I saw a promo for Jeopardy sandwiched into the end of Wheel of Fortune that was bizarre enough to make me go hunting on You Tube to see if they've made any more in this series (Upcoming Categories!!)

Then I found this delightfully soothing promo for Bulgarian Jeopardy! (I feel somehow obligated to include an exclamation point)

And kudos to the tangental skiier at the end of the video. I like my mind touched by randomness, thank you.

Friday, February 20, 2009

The Lost Smoke Monster

I am so in love with Lost right now. This shit is hilarious.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Kittens Inspired by David After Dentist

Sometimes I'm just so grateful that the internet exists. This video would never be in my life otherwise. The internet just comments on itself and folds over into a squashy burrito.