Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Puppetmaster Indeed

So I was on my honeymoon and my sweetie and I stayed with various relatives on this trip. At one stop, we stayed with my aunt and uncle who have two boys, ages 5 yrs and 15 months. The TV was running some mind-numbing Nick Jr but when Yo Gabba Gabba started up, the hubby and I were transfixed. This show is freaking insane. Like, TV for acidheads, really. It made me slightly nostalgic for my heady early 20s but only for a split second. And then came Frodo. Doing the Puppetmaster. And seriously, if I show this to my hypothetical future children, I might end up feeling like a bit of an enabler for when they become obsessed with taking mushrooms in their teens. Cause and effect, people. Cause and effect.

Fuckin' Shia, Again?!?

Okay, this is mostly for Nicci who loves the Shia. I love a little Shia now and again myself but I forgot to post this earlier mostly for her. Lots of pics of the boy acting like a normal guy and sometimes hanging with his cutie (now ex-) girlfriend. Delicious.


As good as Phillipino prisoners and in its own mind-bending way.

man nobody wanna eat diz old grama but i luv this song lol

First, the post title comes from an actual comment about this vid on YouTube. LOL is right. This is just so so so so so so wrong that I can only watch about the first 45 seconds but that feels like it's enough. That Helen Mirren, she is a sexy bitch. I hope I'm still lookin' that hot in 20 years+.

Buffalo v Lions v Crocodile

Long but totally worth it. Kinda makes me want to go on a safari but then I remember when I was a kid and we went to that animal reserve where you can drive through and I almost pissed when I saw something totally benign like a llama. Scary isn't really for me.

Style Points For Stereotyping

As an artist, I love looking at other people's totally different work and trying to figure out ways to creatively steal from them. No lie. I mean, most often if you've done some work before your work ends up looking like your own no matter what but I'm not sure I can steal from this guy. First of all, bending wire, it's a lot harder than it looks. Plus, there's a certain amount of wit to what is going on over at Bent Objects and I'm not sure I've got it. Ah well, c'est la vie. I think I already found someone else to steal from next anyway.

Don't Forget Your Towel

Want an interesting double feature? How about a Mos Def themed one: "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (augmented by lovely Martin Freeman) and "16 Blocks". Mos Def is an interesting guy and I super dig his movie choices. Is there really any doubt that "Be Kind, Rewind" will be brutally good?

Totally Effed Up

Okay, I don't even have a photo for this one. I can't figure out how to embed from Funny or Die either. Let me just say, if you go to this link you will see a puppet dance that had me mesmerized, nauseated and somewhat hysterical simultaneously. It's not until one of the puppets "sings" its own solo that I understood what a singular piece of zaniness/insanity this is.

Still Feeling The Finale Love

Yes, I am still vibrating from that awsome Lost finale and I know that it was months ago. I also desperately miss the Lost podcast with Damon and Carlton (henceforth only known as "Darlton"). So I had aspired to watch the first three seasons in order before the new one starts in February but barring any bedrest, I can't see that happening. Too much good junk on the DVR. So there's this great video that's been out for some time that edits all this dispirate footage together and puts the crash in order. Very fun. But Darlton: Will we be hearing more about Locke's brother? (ha ha for me only)

Not Dick Casablancas But Great Nonetheless

I miss Veronica Mars already. I think it's because the last season kind of blew and I feel like I haven't really felt the love since the end of season two. One redeeming factor in S3 was Ryan Hansen as Dick Casablancas (and whenever Mr. Casablancas the dad showed up it was super extra awesome). Dick was always so funny and they consistently gave him the best material. Well, until the last season when everyone suddenly sounded like Veronica. That was dumb. So here's a little old-school Ryan Hansen from "That's So Raven" in a faux boy-band. I've had this bookmarked for ages. Please to enjoy.

Monday, August 13, 2007

I Know It Makes Me A Total Asshole

... but I find a lot of LOLCats insanely funny. Maybe it's because I have about 1500 pictures of the back of my cat's head because he's turned away just as I am taking the picture. But I laughed so hard at this page that I cried.

Wait, I missed "Beerfest" for this?? Dammit!

Okay, stop whatever it is you're doing right now and go over to your TV. I want you to set your TiVo or your DVR (or your frickin VCR, but please join us on the other side of Y2K now) and set it to record "Mad Men". I'm telling you, this show is sick good. Smart, smooth dialogue. A slick opening credits sequence that I am planning to rip-off immediately. Insanely meticulous period clothing. I swear to god, when I watch it, I AM in 1960. And I am a huge (sadly huge) fan of "Angel" and didn't even recognize his snot-faced whiny kid Connor is one of the leads on that show. Thursdays at 10 on AMC. You have to watch it just one time and then if you don't like it, I owe you an hour back.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

WTF Matt Damon Is Funny?

So there's apparently a long-running gag on Jimmy Kimmel about bumping Matt Damon from the end of the show. Wiki has a little piece about it here. I don't even know who the eff Guillermo is but this shit is stone cold funny.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Harry Potter In The Hood

Yeah, I've got wicked Harry Potter burnout. It was somewhat inevitable but I think the last straw was last week's EW with "36 Pages of Pottermania!!" But I would be a jerk if I didn't show you this video. Waterskiing with Hagrid! It's worth three minutes of your time, promise.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Like, Remember, Blade Trinity?

I love Ryan Reynolds so much, but every time he tries to do serious it just makes me giggle. What does that mean? Okay, that said this movie looks worth seeing just because it's so different. (Still giggling, though.)