Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Lady Gaga FULL Interview On Larry King Live 06/01/2010 (Part 1)

I don't pay too much attention to Gaga, but I have to say I love the idea of going on Larry King dressed as motherfucking Larry King. It completely appeals to the absurdist, Fine Arts major asshole that I am deep down in my black heart.

Monday, May 3, 2010


I can't believe it's been a year since I last checked in, y'all!

Seriously, if you know me then you know my shit, and know that I've had serious family trials. When my mom got sick last year, I went into control mode. I just tried to help her and my pop as they both went through chemo and sickness at the same time. Then it was clear Mom was just gonna do a quick slide down to the finale, I was doing my best to stay sane and rested. Then my sweet Mama died, and the fucking holidays came right after and funerals and Dad's heart procedure, blah blah blah.

So, this is why I went on blog sabbatical. I made this to be a fun dumping ground for all the zany stuff I was digging and wanted a few other people to key into. I never intended to make Journal Entries. So when life got dark and sad, I was not thinking about the best way to share some shit, youknowwhatImsayin?

Now the weather is brightening up a little (sadly, the most I can hope for in springtime Portland) and I'm ready to start the party up again right. Maybe I can entice my four Twitter followers to join the action on this side of the Internets as well.

And on that note, let's share some Rad Times: